50,000 US Dollars a Year

How can you represent "50,000 US Dollars a year" in your webpage's structured data?

"$50,000 a year" is a quantitative value. Its main properties are a monetary amount and a unit of measurement.

"$50,000" is the monetary amount in "$50,000 a year"

"a year" is the unit of measure in "$50,000 a year". It actually means "per year". Therefore, the unit of measurement is a reciprocal of the unit of time a year represents.

Alternate Names for 50,000 US Dollars a Year

"A Year" can be expressed in different ways, such as "per year", "/ year", "/yr", "/y", "yearly", or "annually". This makes a short list of alternate names for "50,000 US Dollars a year".

Yet, a "dollar" can be expressed in many different ways, such as by its currency symbol "$", by its code "USD" and by various nicknames for example "buck"

Combine these expressions and different formats for the number and you end up with a rather long list of alternate names for the same quantitative value.

  • $50,000 per year
  • $50,000 yearly
  • $50,000 annually
  • $50000 per year
  • $50000 a year
  • $50000 yearly
  • $50000 annually
  • 50,000 dollars per year
  • 50,000 dollars yearly
  • 50,000 dollars annual
  • 50,000 dollars annually
  • 50000 dollars per year
  • 50000 dollars a year
  • 50000 dollars yearly
  • 50000 dollars annually
  • 50,000 USD per year
  • 50,000 USD yearly
  • 50,000 USD annually
  • 50,000 bucks per year
  • 50,000 bucks yearly
  • 50,000 bucks annually
  • $50k per year
  • $50k yearly
  • $50k annually
  • 50k per year
  • 50k a year
  • 50k yearly
  • 50k annually
  • 50 thousand dollars per year
  • 50 thousand dollars a year
  • 50 thousand dollars yearly
  • 50 thousand dollars annually

Quantitative Value Schema

Below is an example schema of "$50,000 a year"

    "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
    "name": "$50,000 per year",
    "unitCode": "H09",
    "alternateName": [
        "$50,000 per year",
        "$50,000 yearly",
        "$50,000 annually",
        "$50000 per year",
        "$50000 a year",
        "$50000 yearly",
        "$50000 annually",
        "50,000 dollars per year",
        "50,000 dollars yearly",
        "50,000 dollars annual",
        "50,000 dollars annually",
        "50000 dollars per year",
        "50000 dollars a year",
        "50000 dollars yearly",
        "50000 dollars annually",
        "50,000 USD per year",
        "50,000 USD yearly",
        "50,000 USD annually",
        "50,000 bucks per year",
        "50,000 bucks yearly",
        "50,000 bucks annually",
        "$50k per year",
        "$50k yearly",
        "$50k annually",
        "50k per year",
        "50k a year",
        "50k yearly",
        "50k annually",
        "50 thousand dollars per year",
        "50 thousand dollars a year",
        "50 thousand dollars yearly",
        "50 thousand dollars annually"
    "description": "An annual amount of $50,000 (US Dollars) per year",
    "disambiguatingDescription": "For example a yearly salary of 50,000 dollars or an annual budget of $50,000.",
    "value": {
        "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
        "name": "$50,000",
        "description": "An amount of $50,000 (US Dollars)",
        "value": 50000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "alternateName": [
            "50,000 dollars",
            "50000 dollars",
            "50,000 USD",
            "50,000 bucks",
            "50 thousand dollars"
        "sameAs": [
    "sameAs": "https://missingentities.com/entities/quantitative-value/usd/50000/a-year/"

Schema.org defines a specific schema type for a quantitative value. Its main attributes are value and unitCode. In our case, the value attribute is a monetary amount of 50,000 US Dollars.

The unitCode attribute uses UN/CEFACT Common Code Rec 20 (3 characters) as its value, for example, "H09".

"H09" is the UN/CEFACT Common Code for "reciprocal year". The symbol for "H09" is "1/y".

How to use the Schema for 50,000 US Dollars per year?

You can simply copy the schema above and paste it into the JSON-LD code of your schema definition. Use this quantitative value schema only in attributes that allow it, or your schema will be invalid.

Feel free to trim the list of alternate names, if some of these are not used in your context. Yet, if you use different names, feel free to add them to the list.

Quantitative Value Schema Generator

Generate the quantitative value schema for the "amount per year" you need.



"$50,000 per year" could refer to an annual rent payment for land or some property.


"$50,000 yearly" could refer to salary. A salary implies it is an annual payment. Despite this implication, salaried employees are often paid monthly. They receive 1/12th of the salary every month.

Income for Tax purposes

"$50,000 per year" could refer to an income for purposes of taxation. American income taxation calculates the taxes based on annual amounts. For most people, the tax year is the calendar year from 1. of Jan to 31. of Dec.


"$50,000 a year" could refer to grant funding for some research position. Grants are often awarded per project or accepted research proposal. The award typically includes a time limit towards the conclusion of the project.

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