About Missing Entities

We live in an age of knowledge and most of it is published on the World Wide Web. Humans are quite good at interpreting knowledge according to its context. However, machines are less capable of using text as input to process knowledge. Many websites annotate their content with structured data, to solve this problem. They represent the facts in machine-readable form.

The most common form of structured data is JSON+LD in the vocabulary of schema.org.

Structured Data and the Google Knowledge Graph

Google keeps a (semi-)public knowledge graph with facts it can derive from the World Wide Web. It gathers facts and relationships about common classes of entities, such as Places, People, Organizations, Products, and Events. Such entities have often a Google Knowledge Graph ID and other identifying references such as a Wikipedia page.

Including schema markup on a web page enables machines to collect data across multiple web sources and connect it in a reliable form.

Why I Started This Website

When I published lots of business and financial information, I noted that monetary amounts, such as "$10,000", lack examples of a schema. Also, I noted that machine algorithms, such as search engines, were not differentiating well between two pages talking about $100,000 or $120,000 in the context of the same subject such as income statistics or average house prices.

I used schema markup for the about clause to help Google's search engine understand that my page talked about a quantitative value of "$100,000 a year".

As this apparently helped the page rank for the right keywords, I wanted to create example schemas for monetary amounts, as well as for quantitative values to ease machine processing.

Useful Examples Generated for Quantitative Data

This website provides generators that can generate JSON+LD schema for monetary amounts or certain quantitative values. It uses the schema types defined by schema.org. The schemas are presented so that you copy them into your own schema as attributes.

About The Team

The team of this website is small. It is simply me, programming this resource.

My name is Kaj. I'm a computer scientist by training. I have built software systems for several decades. I used to manage software teams building large commercial applications. During my career, I built:

  • Enterprise Resources Systems (ERP),
  • Chemical information systems,
  • E-Commerce,
  • Source code analysis systems,
  • Retail platforms.

A lot of my work centered around integrating systems via API over the Internet.

Today, I'm a niche website publisher with a focus on making data sets available through websites.

Status of the Project

I started the project in Summer 2023. It is evolving as I need new schemas for other websites I'm working on. The website is missing many useful features, such as search or better navigation. Given time and usage beyond my own, I'll build more.

Send me a message if you use the site. I'm curious how it helps your project. Please include your website/webpage URL

Here is a list of current classes of entities:

Contact Us

If you have any feedback on the website, such as bug reports, missing features, or design criticism please don't hesitate to contact us.

Especially contact us if you want to be featured as a use case of this website (include your website).